How To Get a Job in A Bar

How to get a job in a bar without experience

Many people consider working in a bar is an ideal job.  However, not everyone is given the opportunity to gain experience that will get them hired in a bar or restaurant they want to work in.

If you want to work as a bartender, yet you do not have any bar experience, here are some tips to help you get a job in a bar

  • Visit bars and restaurants within your area and inquire for any job vacancies.  When looking for a job in a bar, even if you want to work as a bartender, ask for vacancies in other positions as well.
  • If job positions such as a bar back, waiter or server is available, take advantage of the opportunity and apply.  During the interview, don’t mention that your main objective is to eventually work as a bartender, be happy with what they offer you.  There are bar owners who prefer to hire individuals who they think will stay with them longer so they don’t have to spend time constantly training new staff.
  • Even if you are not working as a bartender, try to observe what bartenders are doing when on duty.  As often as possible, try to be around the bartender as you will be able to learn the techniques and strategies used to make and mix drinks, cocktails or shooters.  If you work closely with the bartender, it is most likely that he or she will share ideas and knowledge with you.
  • Educate yourself about the job.  Access websites, books and learning materials that will help you become a good bartender.  Learn about the different types of drinks, such as wines, beers, vodka, rums, including equipment commonly used in the bar.
  • Talk to the bar owner about filling in shifts for the bartender without pay.    This is one great way of showing the bar owner you are sincere and dedicated to your job.  A good impression can eventually lead you to being given the opportunity of working as the  bartender.
  • It is always helpful to gain qualifications and certificates.  These qualifications are a great tool for showing bar or restaurant owners that you are taking this job seriously.  You may obtain Alcohol Awareness Certificate for the US or Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) certificate for those who wish to work in Australia.  This certificates will show you know your legal responsibilities as someone who serves, distributes and supplies alcohol.


About Jaimee

Jaimee has spent several years in the hospitality industry, managing licensed venues on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. She knows first hand the importance of staff and managers completing their RSA certificate. Please feel free to ask her any questions you have about working in the hospitality industry or about completing your RSA certification in any state within Australia.